Saturday, December 30, 2006

On the Road to Unwellness

Spending a few days in Sunriver, a resort in Bend, Oregon (or somewheres nearby). Drinking fair to middlingly at the moment. Awaiting the new year. Drove past the mountain (Hood) then the desert. Saw plateaus. You know, like in the roadrunner cartoons. One of the roads in Sunriver resort is called "Ponderosa." Started quoting "Diner" to Urn: "The Ponderosa looked fake. Hardly recognized Little Joe."

Almost went ice skating today. Maybe tomorrow. The other celebrants went snowboarding. I thought they only did that kind of stuff on TV.

Meanwhile I heard Saddam Hussein's dead. Let Freedom Ring!

Ding dong!

Hot damn!

Bull shit.

Ah, Guinness gives you strength. And as the Irish always said, "Yeah and it turns your shite black."

Fantastic, then!

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